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CAP 18-PTFE 9MM - Turck BL ident RFID PTFE protective teflon cap for embeddable threaded barrel M18 (A3055)

CAP18-PTFE - Turck
Price: $16.20
Manufacturer SKU: CAP 18-PTFE 9MM
Manufacturer ID: A3055

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Availability: Usually Ships in 3 to 5 Days
Part Number: CAP18-PTFE

TURCK's BL ident RFID system is the first modular RFID system with built-in I/O on the market. Plus, BL ident can be integrated into existing platforms, and supports PROFIBUS®-DP, DeviceNet™, Modbus-TCP, PROFINET and EtherNet/IP™. The simulator can help you design a system tailor-made to your specific application needs.