*** The Minimum Order Quantity of this Part is 10.
TSDS321P - SSAC Timer Single Shot 24VDC SS Ext Adjustable 1 100s Possw 2x2
The TSDS Series Family
The TSD Series is designed for more demanding commercial and industrial applications where small size and accurate performance are required. The factory calibration for fixed time delays is within 1% of the target time delay. The repeat accuracy, under stable conditions, is 0.5% of the time delay. The TSD Series is rated to operate over an extended temperature range. Time delays of 0.1 seconds to 1000 minutes are available. The output is rated 1A steady and 10A inrush. The modules are totally solid state and encapsulated to protect the electronic circuitry. This product is suitable for many applications, including dispensing, welding, and exposure timing.
Operation (Single Shot):
Input voltage must be applied before and during timing. Upon momentary or maintained closure of the initiate switch, the output energizes for a measured interval of time. At the end of the delay, the output de-energizes. Opening or reclosing the initiate switch during timing has no affect on the time delay. The output will not energize if the initiate switch is closed when input voltage is applied. Reset: Reset occurs when the time delay is complete and the initiate switch is opened. Loss of input voltage resets the time delay and output.
- Fixed or adjustable delays 0.1s - 1000m in
6 ranges
- ±0.5% repeat accuracy
- ±1% factory calibration
- 12VDC to 230VAC in 5 options
- 1A, solid-state output
- Encapsulated
Auxiliary Products:
- External adjust potentiometer:
- P/N: P1004-95
- P/N: P1004-95-X
- Mounting bracket: P/N: P1023-6
- Female quick connect:
P/N: P1015-64 (AWG 14/16)
- Quick connect to screw adaptor:
P/N: P1015-18
- Versa-knob: P/N: P0700-7
- DIN rail: P/N: C103PM (Al)
- DIN rail adaptor: P/N: P1023-20
Download the The SSAC Product Line catalog in *.pdf format
Download the The TSDS Series Datasheet datasheet in *.pdf format
