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RB-TPH - SWIVELLINK Teach Pedant Holder for Fanuc Teach Pendant, Color: Tarpaulin Gray Powder Coat, Fits AFSB-1, AFSB-1-15 imperial blue ball bases and SLM-1, SLM-1-40 metric gray ball bases

RB-TPH- Swivellink
Price: $186.52
Manufacturer SKU: RB-TPH

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Availability: Usually Ships in 3 to 5 Days
Part Number: RB-TPH

RB-TPH - SWIVELLINK Teach Pedant Holder for Fanuc Teach Pendant, Color: Tarpaulin Gray Powder Coat, Fits AFSB-1, AFSB-1-15 imperial blue ball bases and SLM-1, SLM-1-40 metric gray ball bases