Overcome difficult environments and challenging reflection surfaces with greater accuracy compared to traditional optical sensors!
Migatron's ultrasonic sensors offer these advantages: -
Long range detection - In industrial sensing, more and more applications require detection over distance. Ultrasonic sensors detect over long ranges up to forty feet, while limit switches and inductive sensors do not.
- Broad area detection - While some photoelectric sensors can detect over long distances, they lack the ability to detect over a wide area without using a large number of sensors. The advantage of Migatron's ultrasonic sensors is that both wide and narrow areas can be covered. All it takes is the proper ultrasonic transducer selection.
- Widest range of target materials - Ultrasonic sensors tend to be impervious to target material composition. The target material can be clear, solid, liquid, porous, soft, wood and any color because all can be detected.
- Non-contact distance measuring - Because sound can be timed from when it leaves the transducer to when it returns, distance measuring is easy and accurate to .05% of range at a distance of 4 inches.

- Models for hazardous areas with ranges from 4 to 18 inches
- High accuracy and resolution sensors with range of 3 to 16 inches
- Close range sensors sense from .5 to 30 inches
- Replacement parts and transducers readily available to avoid down time
- Analog and on/off output available
- Versions for temperature compensation
- Narrow beam and broad beam options
- Sensors with Teflon body add durability
- Minimal design with small controllers & transducers for easy fitment
- Multiplexed version with 2-8 transducers
- Threaded sensors for easy mounting
- Use of available on-site voltage to drive the sensors
- Quick-disconnect cables also available
For more information or to place an order, please give us a call at 800-876-4444 or 203-426-7700. To purchase online please click here.
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