Lenze AC Tech MC1000 Frequency Inverters - 400-480 Volt 3 Phase Input NEMA4X
The intelligent, versatile and cost-effective choice for industrial
applications. From harsh environments to high torque loads, the MC1000 Series
microdrives meet the toughest requirements with outstanding reliability, at a
low cost. The easy-to-program MC1000 offers full features, extensive I/O, and a
full array of programmable functions.
With its Enhanced Torque System (ETS), a highly efficient sine coding
algorithm and auto-voltage boost, the MC1000 delivers maximum starting and
accelerating torque and tight speed regulation, even under fluctuating load
conditions. A built-in, UL-approved thermal overload provides full motor
MC1000 Drive Features:
- Manual boost
for high starting torque
- Auto-boost for high torque acceleration at any speed
- Adjustable units display: Hz, RPM, %, /SEC, /MIN, /HR
- Slip compensation for tight speed regulation even under fluctuating
- Control configuration: local, remote, both, serial communications
- Auxiliary outputs - two open collector outputs and a Form-C relay.
Functions include: Run, Fault, Inverse Fault, Fault Lockout, At Commanded
Speed, Above a Preset Speed, Current Limit, Auto/ Manual Mode Indication,
PID High/Low Alarms
- Modbus Serial Communication Protocol
Expand the capabilities of your MC Drive with the following options.
All options can be factory installed or field installed.
- Dynamic Braking: for faster stopping or deceleration
- Additional
Form-C relay
- Remote Keypad
- PID: direct or reverse acting with adjustable Proportional, Integral,
and Derivative gains, signal calibration, high and low level alarms,