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LD2006P0 - Red Lion Controls Large Displays - 2.25" 6-Digit LED Cnt/Rte w/Relay Out & Serial Comm

LD2006P0 - Red Lion Controls
Price: $827.00
Manufacturer SKU: LD2006P0

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Availability: Usually Ships in 3 to 5 Days
Part Number: LD2006P0


The Large Display is a versatile display that can be configured as a single or dual counter with rate indication, scaling, serial communications and a dual relay output. This is a 6 digit display with 2.25" high red LED digits with adjustable display intensities. The 2.25" high models are readable up to 130 feet. It is constructed of a NEMA 4 enclosure in light weight aluminum.

The 6-digit programmable models have two signal inputs and a choice of eight different count modes. These include bi-directional, quadrature and anti-coincidence counting, as well as a dual counter mode. When programmed as a dual counter, each counter has separate scaling and decimal point selection.

Rate indication is available on the programmable models only. The rate indicator has separate scaling and decimal point selection, along with programmable display update times. The meter display can be toggled either manually or automatically between the count and rate values.

The programmable models also come with a dual Form C relay output and jumper selectable RS232 or RS485 serial communications. The outputs can activate based on either counter or rate setpoint values. An internal batch counter can be used to count setpoint output activations.
