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Industrial USB I/O Modules

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USB-4604B-BE - Advantech USB-4604B-BE - Advantech CIRCUIT MODULE, 4-Port RS-232 to USB Converter w/Surge

USB-4604B-BE - Advantech CIRCUIT MODULE, 4-Port RS-232 to USB Converter w/Surge

Usually Ships in 3 to 5 Days
Price: $221.00
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USB-4604BM-BE - Advantech USB-4604BM-BE - Advantech 4-Port RS-232/422/485 to USB Converter

USB-4604BM-BE - Advantech 4-Port RS-232/422/485 to USB Converter

Usually Ships in 3 to 5 Days
Price: $333.00
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USB-4620-AE - Advantech USB-4620-AE - Advantech USB-4620-AE Isolated 5-port USB 2.0 Hub

USB-4620-AE - Advantech USB-4620-AE Isolated 5-port USB 2.0 Hub

Usually Ships in 3 to 5 Days
Price: $248.00
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USB-4622-CE - Advantech USB-4622-CE - Advantech USB-4622-CE 5-port USB 2.0 Hub

USB-4622-CE - Advantech USB-4622-CE 5-port USB 2.0 Hub

Usually Ships in 3 to 5 Days
Price: $142.00
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USB-4671-A - Advantech USB-4671-A - Advantech USB-4671-A USB 2.0 GPIB Interface Module

USB-4671-A - Advantech USB-4671-A USB 2.0 GPIB Interface Module

Usually Ships in 3 to 5 Days
Price: $729.30
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USB-4702-AE - Advantech USB-4702-AE - Advantech USB-4702-AE 10S/s, 12-bit USB Multifunction Module

USB-4702-AE - Advantech USB-4702-AE 10S/s, 12-bit USB Multifunction Module

Usually Ships in 3 to 5 Days
Price: $101.40
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USB-4704-AE - Advantech USB-4704-AE - Advantech USB-4704-AE 48 kS/s, 14-bit, 8-ch Multifunction USB Module

USB-4704-AE - Advantech USB-4704-AE 48 kS/s, 14-bit, 8-ch Multifunction USB Module

Usually Ships in 3 to 5 Days
Price: $160.80
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USB-4750-CE - Advantech USB-4750-CE - Advantech USB-4750-CE 32-CH Isolated DIO USB Module

USB-4750-CE - Advantech USB-4750-CE 32-CH Isolated DIO USB Module

Usually Ships in 3 to 5 Days
Price: $273.00
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USB-4751-AE - Advantech USB-4751-AE - Advantech USB-4751-AE 48-CH TTL DIO USB Module

USB-4751-AE - Advantech USB-4751-AE 48-CH TTL DIO USB Module

Usually Ships in 3 to 5 Days
Price: $131.30
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USB-4751L-AE - Advantech USB-4751L-AE - Advantech USB-4751L-AE 24-CH TTL DIO USB Module

USB-4751L-AE - Advantech USB-4751L-AE 24-CH TTL DIO USB Module

Usually Ships in 3 to 5 Days
Price: $118.70
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USB-4761-BE - Advantech USB-4761-BE - Advantech USB-4761-BE 8-ch Relay and 8-ch Isolated Digital Input Module

USB-4761-BE - Advantech USB-4761-BE 8-ch Relay and 8-ch Isolated Digital Input Module

Usually Ships in 3 to 5 Days
Price: $232.10
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USB-LOCKCABLE-AE - Advantech USB-LOCKCABLE-AE - Advantech USB-LOCKCABLE-AE 1.8m lockable USB 2.0 cable

USB-LOCKCABLE-AE - Advantech USB-LOCKCABLE-AE 1.8m lockable USB 2.0 cable

Usually Ships in 3 to 5 Days
Price: $10.68
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USB Modules

For USB DAQ products, The USB-4700 series USB modules consist of true Plug & Play data acquisition modules, Isolated Digital I/O USB Modules, 5-port hubs, multifunction USB modules, 8-ch and 32-chmodules and GPIB modules. No more opening up your computer chassis to install boards. Just plug in the module, and then get the data. It's easy and efficient.