Swivel-Link EOAT End of Arm Tooling Kits
Imagine a simple solution to build a vacuum end of arm tool for an industrial robot to pick up virtually any shape or profile. This can be accomplished quickly and easily by parking the robot in a known pick position, adjusting the EOAT to fit the part, placing the cups where you want to grip, and tightening the knuckles to lock the cups in position. They work with centralized and decentralized vacuum solutions.
AFSB-1000-10-V EXAMPLE AFSB-1000-10-V shown as an E.O.A.T. for box palletizing. Shown with vacuum cups and assembly mounted to robot.
CROSS SECTION VIEW Shown is the hose and fittings running internally through a knuckle and link. The knuckle design allows the full range of motion without pinching or kinking the hose. The hoses and fittings are protected from damage while maintaining a clean appearance.
EXAMPLE APPLICATION #1 Shown is an example of just how easy it is to build a decentralized robot vacuum end of arm tool to fit a complex shaped part. Start with a length of T-Slot extruded aluminum, fittings, hoses, add a handful of swivellink products and you are ready to go. There is no need to spend countless hours designing a custom 3-dimensional vacuum gripper. By routing all of the pressure supply hoses inside the swivellink, you protect the hoses from damage and improve du- rability while maintaining a clean, uncluttered tool. Shown is (4) AFSB-1000-10 kits, (5) AFSB-2 knuckles, (4) AFSB-3-6 links, and (1) AFSB-3-2 links.
EXAMPLE APPLICATION #2 Shown is an example of just how easy it is to build a centralized robot vacuum end of arm tool to fit a complex shaped part. This is the perfect solution for gripping concave or convex shaped parts. Instead of making a gripper to fit the part, let the gripper con- form to the part. These examples show how the same basic design works for several applications simply by adding standard parts as needed. Add one of our sensor mounts (see specialty products) and you now have presence detection. Shown is (3) AFSB-1000-10 kits, (4) AFSB-2 knuckles, and (4) AFSB-3-2 links.