Building Automation Systems (BAS)
Building Automation Systems (BAS)
As part of Building Management system,
Advantech Building Automation systems helps intelligent buildings to
increase energy efficiency and energy saving. It offers web-enabled and
browser-based components to allow engineers to be much more flexible and
to easily control equipments in building automation systems. WebAccess
HMI/SCADA software provides remote access and management capabilities
for human machine interface and SCADA control, BACnet remote IO modules
are designed for building automation systems that include open database
management and standard protocols. Besides, Web-enabled HMI platform and
Web-enabled DDC controller; IO modules are suitable for web browsers
and help engineers develop building automation system applications for
intelligent building. Finally, Advantech's Energy Data Concentrators can
be integrated with a wide range of building automation equipment to
make it easier to control systems, increase energy efficiency and energy