Baldor Dodge D-Series Clutch & Brake Modules
Baldor Dodge's Clutch & Brake Modules mount directly to NEMA C-face motors and reducers or can be used with separate base mount frames. These modules are completely factory assembled, tested, and pre-burnished for easy installation and long maintenance free operation. The units are designed with large ball-bearings to provide greater over-hung load capacity and longer life. They use larger armatures for high torque transmission.

The DMCBO mounts and operates in a manner similar to DMCCB, but as a power-on brake only. Brake ratings are the same as the DMCCB. Dimensionally, the DMCBO is shorter axially from C-face to output shaft. The DMCBX power-on brake is designed to be mounted on a double shafted C-face motor. It is shorter axially than comparable power-off brakes and provides the advantages of C-face mounting in space restricted applications. Sizes and ratings are the same as the DMCBO brakes.

DMCCB modules are ideal for rapid cycling applications. They can be mounted directly between a C-face motor and reducer. Five standard sizes are available in 90, 24 or 6 VDC input voltage. The brake is power on. The DMCCO mounts and operates in a manner similar to DMCCB, but as a clutch only. The clutch ratings and external dimensions of both units are the same and are completely factory preassembled, adjusted, burnished and dynamically tested.

The DMSCB clutch/brake module is rated identically to the C-face version, but is mounted on a base with standard shaft input and output. It can be direct coupled or linked by belt drive to motor and driven equipment. The DMSCO mounts and operates in a manner similar to the DMSCB, but as a clutch only. Clutch ratings and dimensions of both units are identical.