Walker Industrial: Home > Manufacturers > A - D > Baldor > Motors > AC Motors > 50 Hertz Motors > Single and Three Phase, NEMA Frame, Explosion Proof, C-Face > Single Phase, IP54 (1/3 thru 2 HP)

Single Phase IP54 NEMA Frame
Explosion Proof C-Face 50
Hertz Motors

Baldor Single Phase IP54 NEMA Frame Explosion Proof C-Face 50 Hertz Motor Applications:

Used in applications with pumps, blowers, and valves.

Some applications require NEMA motors which operate on true 50 Hz power. Where this 50 Hz power is all that is available, these NEMA motors are designed to be used at rated voltages with tolerance of ±15% on voltage. These motors feature corrosion resistant epoxy finish, positively locked drive end bearing, UL approved cast conduit box, standard UL and CSA approved for Class I, Group D or Class II, Group F & G.

Baldor Single Phase IP54 NEMA Frame Explosion Proof C-Face 50 Hertz Motors Catalog Pages in *.pdf format