The Series 955S Smart BRIK Linear Transducer is an accurate, programmable zero and span, auto-tuning, non-contact LDT in an economical, low profile package. The position is read from a magnet that slides on the top of the unit. The Smart BRIK is equipped with a diagnostic L.E.D. indicator that turns green when a good magnet signal is present and in the active programmed area. The LED turns red when there is no magnet present or the magnet assembly is out of the sensing area. The LED turns yellow when the magnet is out of the programmed active range but still within the active stroke area. The Smart BRIK is available with a variety of outputs and can be ordered to lengths up to 140 inches. Applications include extrusion lines, roller positioning, injection molding, blow molding and presses. The Smart BRIK can be used with the Gemco Series 1746 Transducer Input Card, Series 2120 PLC Input Module and Series 948 Limit Module.
Download the 955S Smart BRIK specification sheet in *.pdf format.
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