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2006 Type K Rotary Limit Switch
Gemco's Rotary Limit Switches are primarily used for machine tools, handling devices, and rotary operators where motion is expressed in shaft rotation. The primary purpose of the switch is to control the intermediate or end limits of a linear or rotary motion. The switch is often used as a safety device to protect against accidental damage to equipment.


Quality parts make each Rotary Limit Switch highly dependable.
  • The 1/2" input shaft (includes Woodruff Key) drives a bronze gear which rotates the cam block. The cam block houses independently adjustable cams that actuate the precision type snap action switches.
  • Each switch can be provided with one to four single pole, double throw switches or a maximum of two double pole, double throw switches for versatility of control circuits.
  • No minimum speed is specified because snap action contacts are used. Maximum rated speed of the worm shaft is 1000 RPM and can be rotated clockwise or counterclockwise.
  • Gemco’s Rotary Limit Switch offers the broadest range of standard gear selections of any switch available. Standard ratios range from 5:1 through 5333.3:1.
  • Max. Operating Temperature 180°F

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